Why English should not be a necissary requirment for University applications.
Since I became a student, there has always been some sort of English course that has been mandatory for me to take. from learning to read, write, spell and how to use proper grammar. English has always been a big part of my life and it will continue to be. However, I truly believe that as we get older, the role English plays slowly deteriorates.
At the start, emphasis on learning how to spell and read was always the front-runner. Which then became how to write proper paragraphs and then ultimately public speaking. These are the skills taught in order to become a confident writer and speaker. Then we have high school, students are taught literary devices, how to read and analyze writing and how to write themselves. All of this is rather new as we did little to none of that in elementary school. In my opinion, university English is much more suited and pleasing towards the educator rather than the student. I agree that students are continuing to expand on what we've been learning our whole life but we are constantly doing that in everyday encounters that are far more realistic to the real world and work field.
In conclusion, I believe the things I've learned my whole life have been important but have not varied drastically from the start of high school so what will change drastically in grade twelve English to make it so important enough for all university applications. Writing styles are one of many things that make English students unique. A teacher may either love the way you write or do everything in his/her power to change it. Therefore, marks can vary when you have different teachers grading papers and who's to say that one teacher might give a student a very high mark while another can grade the exact same paper yet give them a poor mark. How is it right for universities to make English a necessary requirement when it is so inconsistent and biased?
I truly believe that the only time English should be required is for a program primarily focused on English and English related subjects.
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